How does BlueHub work?
BlueHub has been designed to connect you with the professional help you need, sooner. Many police and PSO members experience trauma-related mental health difficulties, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but don’t seek treatment.
This could be because they don’t recognise their symptoms, don’t know what treatments are available or because of stigma. There are effective treatments that work. Seeking professional support early helps to reduce the risk of long-term impacts.
The benefits of BlueHub
Unlike other programs, BlueHub has been designed to reduce obstacles you may have experienced previously by providing:
- independent and timely assessment and treatment
- streamlined and evidence-based solutions
- delivery by clinicians who understand the unique needs of police.
BlueHub, through association with Phoenix Australia, provides tailored training and ongoing support for BlueHub clinicians. They are familiar with police culture, treating police and PSO members and provide best-practice methods for assessment and treatment of trauma.

Do I need BlueHub?
As a police or PSO member, you deal with emotionally tough situations, including traumatic events.
There are many common reactions to trauma. If the following symptoms persist, you may benefit from contacting BlueHub.

Don’t wait until you break
It’s okay to ask for help if you’re not feeling yourself. In fact, talking about trauma is the best way to start leaving it behind and moving on. Talking to our expert trauma clinicians will help you to recover sooner, or re-enter life feeling stronger.
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Contact us
Simply submit the form below, and we’ll contact you back (during business hours) within two business days. If you're unable to submit the form, please send your enquiry to